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CLI Options



--config value       JSON configuration file
--verbosity value    Supports levels crit (silent) to trce (trace) (default: "info")
--keystore value     Path to keystore directory (default: "./keys")
--blockstore value   Specify path for blockstore
--fresh              Disables loading from blockstore at start. Opts will still be used if specified. (default: false)
--latest             Overrides blockstore and start block, starts from latest block (default: false)
--metrics            Enables metric server (default: false)
--metricsPort value  Port to serve metrics on (default: 8001)
--testkey value      Applies a predetermined test keystore to the chains.
--help, -h           show help (default: false)
--version, -v        print the version (default: false)

Deploy Management

doton contracts send-grams

send grams from the giver to the contracts

doton contracts deploy

deploy the set of ton contracts

doton contracts deploy-relayer

deploy the relayer ton contract

--from Address of relayer

doton contracts deploy-wallet

deploy the wallet contract

doton contracts get-balance

get of the wallet balance

doton contracts setup

setup contracts of brige

doton contracts send-tokens

transfer the balance from owner's account to another account

--amount  Amount of tokens
--to      Recipient
--nonce   Nonce

Account Management

The commands can be used to manage keys in the local keystore. You can view available keys with doton accounts list.

doton accounts generate

--password value  Password used to encrypt the keystore. Used with --generate, --import, or --unlock
--sr25519         Specify account/key type as sr25519. (default: false)
--secp256k1       Specify account/key type as secp256k1. (default: false)
--ed25519         Specify account/key type as ed25519. (default: false)
--network value   Specify the network to use for the address encoding (substrate/polkadot/centrifuge) (default: substrate)

doton accounts import

--seedphrase value  Derive keys from a seed phrase and import them into a keystore.
--ton               Import an existing ton keystore. (default: false)
--privateKey value  Import a hex representation of a private key into a keystore.
--sr25519           Specify account/key type as sr25519. (default: false)
--secp256k1         Specify account/key type as secp256k1. (default: false)
--password value    Password used to encrypt the keystore. Used with --generate, --import, or --unlock
--network value     Specify the network to use for the address encoding (substrate/polkadot/centrifuge) (default: substrate)

Environment Variables

  • KEYSTORE_PASSWORD: The password to use when loading the keystore.
  • BLOCK_TIMEOUT: The duration (seconds) until a chain is considered "unhealthy"